Update - What's Been Going On In My World Part II

It's been a year now since I started my own business. What a ride! 

The last 7 months I was with Zattoo creating Workplace Experience. I was missing the feeling of belonging to an organization, a team, connection, collaboration, learning, creating and so much more. I thought I could have it all - my own business and a part time job. With a heavy heart I figured out that does not work for me. Pursuing a goal half-heartedly just doesn't work! Under tears, feeling like breaking up with someone, I quit to move on with my own business 100%. A warm thank you to everyone at Zattoo for all our experiences together!

Over the last year I have been working with Dr. Caroline Böttiger and ‘Das Mitte Institut’. Especially in these turbulent times we know now more than ever that organizations should not just give people more perks, but help them to find purpose. It's been a pleasure so far sharing business & life coachings, facilitating and creating workshops for our clients. Please reach out to us if you would like to know more.

Thank you Stina Ehrecke and ‘Itu consult GmbH’! This year in June I created a team coaching for their Office Management - one of my favorite topics, as some of you know. And we had an amazingly good outcome for the team, hence for the whole organization. 

Ruta Stasiunaite inspired me with her life-changing online coaching program to define my values and purpose and got me so excited about it, that there is also something very special coming soon! 

And of course #THANKYOU to everyone I did not mention but is also connected with me and part of this ride.


Update - What's Been Going On In My World Part III


Go Your Own Way