The Journey is the Destination

In German we have a saying, Der Weg ist das Ziel – in English this means something similar to, “the journey is the destination.” 

I’ll never forget the time my family went on holiday to China and walked the Great Wall. I was no more than 3 or 4 years old. As we were walking it, I started to pretend that I couldn’t walk anymore and my father was pretty much forced to carry me the whole way! He was annoyed…but he did it. I’m not sure why I started to pretend but I think I was just smart – I realised that he’d have no choice but to pick me up!

And at the end of it, even though he was frustrated, he still gave me a giant glass bottle of cold orange Fanta. I can remember the taste of it to this day. It’s something we still laugh about – me getting carried along the Great Wall. I knew that my father would take care of me no matter what. I knew he wouldn’t leave me there. 


Whether it’s going on a family trip or creating a successful company, it’s the journey that counts. And knowing that everyone carries each other from time to time. Being able to trust in that support means everything. 


So what does an Experience Creator do?


Update - What’s been going on in my world!